“Trusting God with the Unknown” w/ Professor Erin Austin


Have you ever faced an uncertain future? You’re not alone. In our latest Faith First podcast episode, Professor Erin Austin shares her insights on trusting God amidst the unknown.

Erin Austin, a seasoned assistant professor of business and marketing at Boyce College, reflects on her unique journey from corporate life to homeschooling and now academia. Her rich experiences have equipped her with a deep understanding of faith and trust in God’s plan, even when the future seems hazy.

In this episode, Erin delves into the essence of trust and faith. She opens with a thought-provoking quote from Jerry Bridges’ book, “Trusting God,” reminding us that, “It’s easy to trust God when a process of events turns out as we would desire.” But how do we maintain trust when the future is uncertain?

Recognizing Unknown Seasons

Erin notes that life is often a series of unknowns. From starting college with a set plan to facing unexpected family situations, we continually encounter instances that challenge our ability to trust. She emphasizes that recognizing God’s sovereignty in all situations is crucial, whether we are aware we’re in an unknown season or when things deviate from our plans.

Practical Steps to Trust God

1. Daily Trust and Obedience: Erin underscores the importance of being in God’s Word, surrounding ourselves with godly community, and maintaining a consistent prayer life. Simple acts like praying and reading scripture can anchor us in truth, even when reality seems uncertain.

2. Seeking Godly Counsel: Erin shares personal stories of receiving hard, yet loving, truths from godly mentors. Sometimes, it’s those sharp yet tender admonitions from others that draw us closer to God and strengthen our trust in Him.

3. Embracing Discomfort: She also speaks to the discomfort that often accompanies waiting and the unknown, encouraging us to see these times as opportunities to deepen our faith.

Resources for Encouragement

For those looking for additional encouragement, Erin recommends books like “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom and “Johnny: The Story of John Erickson Tada.” These narratives of faith amid drastic unknowns provide a powerful testament to God’s unchanging faithfulness.

Joy and Trust in the Midst of Uncertainty

Erin also highlights the significance of joy in our journey. Proverbs 31 mentions a godly woman who “laughs at the time to come,” a reflection of deep-rooted trust in God’s unchanging character and His control over the future.

Faithfulness in Uncertain Seasons

Erin concludes with a beautiful reminder that faithfulness involves continually turning back to God, recognizing His sovereignty, and seeking joy in His unchanging goodness. Trusting God isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about knowing and relying on the One who does.

Ana Lee and Erin Austin encourage us to remember that God’s steadfast love is better than life itself. Whatever season you’re currently in, let their words inspire you to trust in the Lord with all your heart.

The Faith First Podcast is available on all podcast platforms. Don’t miss this insightful and comforting episode with Professor Erin Austin. Listen today!
For more information about Boyce College, visit BoyceCollege.com and follow us on social media @BoyceCollege.



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“Theology is for Everyone” w/ Dr. Kyle Claunch


Have you ever wondered why theology matters? If so, you’re not alone. In our latest episode of the Faith First Podcast, Dr. Kyle Claunch, Associate Professor of Christian Theology at Southern Seminary, sheds light on the importance of theology in the life of every believer.

Dr. Claunch, with his extensive background as a pastor and theologian, takes us on a journey from his early life in a Christian home to his calling in ministry. He passionately discusses why theology is not just for scholars but for every Christian who seeks to live a life of faithfulness to God.

The Roots of a Theologian

Dr. Claunch’s story begins in a household deeply rooted in faith. His father, a pastor, and his mother, a children’s ministry worker, instilled in him a deep appreciation for the gospel from an early age. He recalls his conversion at the age of seven and a distinct sense of calling to ministry during a mission trip at thirteen. This early formative period was pivotal in shaping his love for theology.

Theology in Everyday Life

“So, what is theology for everyday life?” Ana Lee, our host, asks Dr. Claunch. He explains that theology, at its core, is the pursuit of the knowledge of the one true and living God and understanding everything in relation to Him. No matter who you are or what life stage you’re in, knowing God should shape the way you handle relationships, challenges, and life decisions.

Dr. Claunch emphasizes that everyone is a theologian to some extent. Our views of God, even if incorrect or incomplete, influence how we interpret the world. Understanding and knowing God through biblical theology ensures that our lives are aligned with his purposes.

The Importance of Biblical Theology

Why does it matter that our theology is biblical? The Bible is the very Word of God. It is through Scripture that God has revealed himself to us. A correct understanding of theology must be grounded in the Bible to avoid misconceptions and false views of God.

At Boyce College, every student must take at least two systematic theology classes, regardless of their major. This requirement underscores our belief that sound theology is essential for a well-rounded and faithful Christian life.

Applying Theology Practically

Dr. Claunch shares practical steps for applying theology in our everyday lives:

  1. Daily Scripture Reading and Prayer: Commit to a routine of reading the Bible and praying daily. Start simple and build from there.
  2. Engage with the Local Church: Be part of a community where you can hear good preaching and teaching. Being active in a local church is crucial for spiritual growth and theological understanding.
  3. Read Faithful Theological Works: For those looking to dive deeper, Dr. Claunch recommends accessible theological resources such as the Crossway series “Short Studies in Systematic Theology.” For advanced readers, he recommends works by seasoned theologians, like Dr. Wellum’s “Introduction to Systematic Theology Vol 1.”

Heart Knowledge vs. Head Knowledge

Understanding theology is not merely about accumulating facts but about knowing and loving God. Dr. Claunch asserts that if our theological knowledge does not transform our lives and character, the issue lies in our understanding and relationship with God. True knowledge of God results in worship and transformation.

Connecting Theology to the Gospel

The gospel is intrinsically theological. It is the good news that, despite our sinfulness, God sent his Son to live the perfect life we could not, die for our sins, and rise again, offering us eternal life. Theology and the gospel are intertwined, revealing who God is and his redemptive work through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Faithfulness in Theology

Faithfulness in theology means ordering our lives according to God’s word and His way, consistently seeking to know him, and aligning our lives with his truth. This process begins and ends with worship. A faithful life reflects a heart that recognizes God’s sovereignty and goodness.

Dr. Claunch’s insights remind us that theology is not just an academic exercise but a vital part of living a faithful Christian life.

For more about growing in faith and understanding theology, tune into the Faith First Podcast and visit BoyceCollege.com. Follow us on social media @BoyceCollege for more insightful content and updates.


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New seminary track programs

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New seminary track programs added to Boyce College curriculum

March 31, 2020

By: Forrest Strickland

Boyce College will be adding two new seminary track programs to its academic offerings. The two new programs will be a bachelor of arts in Business Administration with a master of divinity and a bachelor of arts in Communication with a master of divinity, announced R. Albert Mohler Jr., President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The seminary track program at Boyce College is a five-year curriculum during which time students receive both a bachelor of arts and a master of divinity.

“One of the programs I believe in most at Boyce College is our joint baccalaureate and master of divinity program, because of its power, stewardship, and opportunity,” said Mohler. “With the Business Administration and Communications tracks, this is going to provide even more opportunities for ministry, not only in the church but also in the workplace. What our world needs right now is a generation ready to go with urgency into the pulpit and into the world, and these two new programs are powerful demonstrations of what it means to maximize stewardship to the glory of God and in service to the gospel of Christ.”

The Business Administration and Communication tracks are the first seminary tracks Boyce College has offered that help prepare students for leading effectively in the marketplace and for service in the church. It aims to equip students for ministry in a changing world, whether as a pastor, church planter, missionary, or bi-vocational pastor, said Dustin Bruce, Dean of Boyce College.
“From small-town America to the megacities of Asia, our graduates are entering into a changing ministry context. By combining two of our most versatile marketplace degrees with our flagship ministry degree, Boyce College and Southern Seminary are coming together to equip students to serve the cause of Christ in an ever-changing world.”

David Bosch, Associate Dean of Academic Strategy and Business Program Coordinator, helped spearhead the creation of these degrees. Bosch considers the new program a tremendous opportunity for students to not only receive the theological education that is required for pastoral ministry, but also the marketplace and business skills that are necessary for the effective operation of churches.
“What a great opportunity for an individual to save time and money in being equipped for ministry,” Bosch said. “This degree is beneficial to those who want to engage in Business as Mission both domestically and internationally. It is also ideal for the bivocational minister. Lastly, It is perfect for those that want to be an executive pastor of a church or a leader in a faith-based organization. This degree is innovative as we have not watered down either degree. Now is the time to be holistically equipped for ministry and this degree does that.”

Both degrees are 199 hours and could be completed in five years. In the Communications track, students will take classes like Introduction to Communication, Media, Culture, and Society, Interpersonal Communication, in addition to the core curriculum for both degrees. The Business Administration track allows students to also choose their area of emphasis: entrepreneurial management, non-profit management, or financial and accounting management.
Prospective students can find more information here.

Why is a theological foundation important for K-12 educators?

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By Barry Gibson and Melissa Tucker, professors of teacher education at Boyce College

A strong foundation of core academic disciplines and educational pedagogy will make a successful teacher for any classroom. However, becoming an effective teacher who will provide a Christ-centered quality education for one’s students in public, Christian, and classical school requires a solid theological foundation.

In today’s diverse society, having a firm theological foundation enables an individual to bring not only confident and well-prepared teaching, but light into the classroom. Christian teachers in every school are critically important in contributing to students’ academic and spiritual formation. With 30 hours of biblical and theological studies and over 50 hours of professional education studies, the Boyce College Teacher Education Program is designed to equip future educators to be servant leaders with the range of knowledge necessary for the profession of teaching, skills for teaching in any classroom, and dispositions necessary to display a Christ-centered attitude and work ethic in their profession.

Exceptional leaders are portrayed as those with high standards, who keep their commitments, and exercise self-discipline. To build these traits, teacher candidates should be taught Christian values of honesty and fairness in addition to the importance of setting goals for daily life through theological studies. The educational foundation should be designed to ground the future educator in Christian values that are biblically-based and hold to a standard of behavior and guidelines which encourage students to exemplify these strong values.

The subtle teaching of humanism, socialism, and progressivism is dangerously persuasive to impressionable students. The theological foundation to build strong teachers is a must if there are to be students in the classroom that will be raised to be the “heritage of the Lord” according to God’s Word. With teacher dispositions stemming from personal integrity, the recognition of diversity as a fact of life, the belief in effective communication, and servant-leadership, the Boyce College Teacher Education Program seeks to prepare students for just that—meeting diverse populations with the truth of the gospel and addressing educational challenges with faithful excellence.

Boyce College teacher candidates are trained to be totally committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, to the Great Commission as their mandate, and to service as their calling. The Boyce Teacher Education Program is founded on these theological studies and is committed to the principles of education which produce exemplary educators and see the furtherance of God’s kingdom through the K12 classroom.



Learn more about the Teacher Education Program at Boyce College

What is Boyce’s athletics program like?

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January 15, 2020

By Michael McCarty, coordinator of Bulldogs Athletics

We desire for Boyce Athletics to be used as a platform for ministry and the advancement of the Gospel. The work of ministry requires discipline, a strong work ethic, and commitment. We believe that athletics is a great way to develop those characteristics. Whether we are playing in a game, practicing hard, hanging out as a team at a coach’s house, or playing in front of our great home crowd, we desire our time together to be an opportunity to shape others and to be shaped into the image of Jesus Christ.

Boyce Athletics operates according to the following core values:

  • Possess zeal for God’s glory in all we do as leaders, coaches, and student-athletes.
  • Demonstrate excellence and integrity in all aspects of our lives and our programs.
  • We will strive to do the best we can at all times with the utmost integrity.
  • Developing, disciplining, and equipping servant-leaders who will serve the church and engage the culture with the Gospel.
  • Selflessly serve others through relationships and opportunities that the Lord provides.
  • See Christ’s name lifted high and glorified in all we do.

If these characteristics and core values ring true with you and you are serious about the advancement of the Gospel, possess athletic skills, enjoy the game, and are willing to work hard, then we invite you to consider joining Boyce Athletics.

What can you do with a Humanities degree?

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By Tyler Flatt, Assistant Professor of Humanities

This is the question we are most frequently asked by students and their parents. It’s an understandable one, but we suggest a better question: “What can a Humanities degree do with me?” At Boyce, we are committed not only to education, but to transformation; in concert with the Holy Spirit, we seek to reform, renew, and fortify the character of our students in keeping with biblical truth. We are far more concerned with who they will be in their homes, churches, and communities than with what they will do for money.

Continue reading “What can you do with a Humanities degree?”