Tyler Flatt

Associate Professor of Humanities
B.A., University of Waterloo; M.A., University of Toronto; Ph.D., Harvard University.
Tyler Flatt was born and raised in southern Ontario, Canada. A classicist by training, Flatt is passionate about making the history, culture, and languages of ancient Greece and Rome more familiar and accessible to contemporary audiences. He is dedicated to the ongoing interpretation and transmission of the best of the classical tradition.
At Boyce, Flatt chairs the Humanities and General Education programs, teaching undergraduate and graduate-level courses focused on the Western tradition: Great Books (I & II), World Literature, Greek Civilization, Roman Civilization, Latin I-IV, advanced literature seminars (e.g. on Dante, Milton, Shakespeare, and others), and Friendship and the Christian Life. Flatt also directs Boyce’s honors program, the Augustine Honors Collegium (AHC), for which he has curated courses on Shakespeare and Western Culture, Totalitarianism, and the City in American Life, among other topics.
His professional interests include the classical literary tradition, especially epic (from Homer to the biblical epics of late antiquity), Renaissance humanism, active Latin, Shakespeare, and early modern England. His amateur pursuits include biblical intertextuality, American history, and fishing.
Flatt’s work has appeared in The Classical Journal, Classical World, The Classical Review, The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, and Vigiliae Christianae, and he is the founding host of the Daily Dose of Latin, a video series devoted to short explanations of passages from the Vulgate, the Latin Bible of medieval Europe. He is also the faculty leader of Boyce’s Shakespearean society, The Happy Few.
Ask A Professor
Why do you love teaching at Boyce College?
What I love most about teaching at Boyce College is that this entire campus—faculty and students—is united around a single, character-shaping, God-glorifying vision of Christian education. And it’s a vision worthy of deep commitment.
What are some of your top students doing with their degree?
Our Humanities students go on to pursue careers in a really wide variety of fields—everything from journalism, academia, and consulting to management and government service.
What makes the Humanities degree at Boyce College distinct?
The Humanities degree at Boyce is distinct for two qualities especially: 1) its holistic vision and 2) the flexibility it affords our students. When combined with Boyce’s core Biblical and Theological Studies classes, our program is designed to be training for all of life; it is designed to teach our students to discern and apply the very best of the Western tradition of literature, philosophy, and history to every facet of their lives, and to equip them to interpret and articulate complex ideas winsomely and persuasively. It also affords more elective choices and minor options than any other degree program, which many of our students find to be a great advantage.