What if Boyce doesn’t have my major?

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January 15, 2020

By Kevin Gabriel, Academic Counselor

First, consider the difference between your major and your desired career. Some careers require specific degree programs (think engineers, nurses, etc.). In these cases, there is a close correlation between major and career. Yet many other jobs, both in ministry and in the marketplace, simply require a bachelor’s degree. These jobs are often focused more on soft skills than hard skills.

Likewise, it is important to consider the difference between skills and majors. For example, someone interested in a career in video production and design would find a Communication major to be helpful and relevant to their interests. Often independent study or online certificates can teach hard skills (like video production), while theory-based bachelor’s degrees build soft skills like critical thinking, work ethic, professionalism, and communication. It is easier for your future employer to teach hard skills than to teach soft skills.

Furthermore, pursuing a broad degree (think Humanities, Business, Communication, etc.) will keep more doors open than completing a more specific, narrow major. This is helpful particularly if you are unsure of your exact career trajectory.

With that said, there are clearly careers that do require specific majors. If Boyce does not offer your specific major, there are still several options available for you.

First, if you are still in high school, you could consider taking some of your general education courses through Boyce’s dual enrollment program.

Second, you could complete our one-year Worldview Studies Certificate. This program is designed for students in your situation, providing you with a Christian educational foundation, transfer credits for your future college, and preparation for faithfulness in a secular setting. The certificate also offers Business and Teacher Education variations.

If the courses offered in the Worldview Studies Certificate will not transfer to your future major of choice, you could also work with an advisor at Boyce to pick and choose some specialized courses tailored toward your future education. You would miss out on the unique opportunities and community found in the Worldview Studies Certificate, but would make the most of your credits for transfer purposes.

Third, Boyce College participates in the Metroversity program, which allows students at Boyce to take courses at any of the other universities and colleges in the area. If your plans for future graduate school specify certain prerequisite courses unavailable at Boyce, our advisors can work with you to earn those credits through Metroversity.

Finally, consider any alternate options available for pursuing your major of choice. For example, some colleges offer a one-year accelerated nursing degree program which can be completed after earning any bachelor’s degree at another college.

For any specific questions on this topic, please contact either the Advisor for Vocation & Career Development or a Student Success Advisor at Boyce College.