Who will you be?

Learn how Boyce College shapes your faith, career, and impact.

Our Commitment to You

Boyce College exists to train, educate, and prepare students to serve Christ faithfully throughout the entirety of their lives, no matter where God calls them. Select one of our commitments below to discover what this means for you.

As an institution, Boyce College is built upon “the faith, once for all, delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).

Faith in Jesus Christ isn’t an add-on; it is our purpose, foundational in every class taught, every book read, every exam taken, every paper written, every word uttered and every thought conceived.

When it comes to your faith, who will you be?

At Boyce College, we prepare you to always keep your Faith in Christ First.


Boyce College is a Southern Baptist institution committed to the Bible as the inerrant word of God. All faculty sign our confession of faith and pledge to teach “in accordance with and not contrary to all that is contained therein.” Our confessional documents can be found here.

Core Curriculum

The Bible is worth more than an elective. That is why all Boyce College students take 30 credit hours of biblical and theological studies as part of the core curriculum of each degree. These courses strengthen your faith and grow your knowledge and love of God.

Culture of Discipleship

Boyce College's commitment to discipleship provides a student life environment where students experience deep Christian community, grow in their faith, and have lives that look more like Christ. Boyce College has a student to student leadership ratio of 9:1 so you will be known and discipled.

Residential Living

The residential experience at Boyce College is modeled after Scripture’s example for building relationships: older men guide younger men, and older women guide younger women. At Boyce College, we take this seriously, intentionally pairing underclass and upperclass students, so a life of discipleship and mentorship is cultivated.

Boyce College isn’t a trade-off between either increasing your faith or being prepared for a career.

Here, you receive both: the very best of career preparation and training in God’s Word.

Boyce College will prepare you to succeed in every aspect of life: professionally, relationally, and spiritually. Students attain the skills necessary for a 21st century career and an education that propels them on their career or ministry path.

When it comes to your faith and your work, who will you be?

At Boyce College, we prepare you to be Future Ready.


Our professors are leaders in their field and committed to being Christian leaders inside and outside the classroom. Their mission is to help students grow in their understanding of the Christian worldview and apply it to all of life.

Academic Excellence

Professors and peers spur students to learn and strive for excellence in and out of the classroom. Boyce College provides you with the career skills you need and the soft skills necessary for a resilient career.


Graduates from Boyce College leave confident and equipped for success in all that comes next. Alumni from Boyce College have a 99% placement rate after graduation as they move on to careers or advanced study. Who are Boyce College alumni? They’re pastors, teachers, missionaries, lawyers, counselors, accountants, and future ready leaders.

Augustine Honors Collegium

Boyce College offers students in all majors the ability to participate in the Augustine Honors Collegium, providing a stimulating and academically rigorous program for high-achieving students. More information about the honors collegium can be found here.

Student on graduation day

Being Kingdom Focused is a character trait that every Christ follower is called to demonstrate (Matt. 6:33).

Boyce College graduates become kingdom focused pastors, counselors, missionaries, church leaders, teachers, accountants, communication specialists, lawyers, and more.

Regardless of job title, Boyce College graduates are equipped to remain kingdom focused as they pursue career and ministry success wherever and however God leads them.

When it comes to advancing the Great Commission, who will you be?

At Boyce College, we prepare you to be Kingdom Focused.

Missional Living

Christian living should be missional living. At Boyce College, students and faculty demonstrate what Great Commission living looks like during college so you can continue to make an impact for Christ after college.

Church Emphasis

Louisville, KY is the home to many healthy and faithful churches. Your spiritual growth will not only take place on campus, but within the context of one of these many local churches.

Ministry and Marketplace

Every career is a missional call. Whether your field of study prepares you vocationally for ministry or a career in the marketplace, Boyce College prepares you to live out the Great Commission faithfully no matter where God leads you.


Boyce College’s faculty is committed to teaching according to a Christian worldview and has the Great Commission as their mandate. Faculty help you connect your classes to God’s word and prepare you to make a gospel impact on a world in need.

“ Boyce College wants to see you graduate with a greater knowledge of Scripture leading to a greater love for Christ. I have seen this happen in my own life each semester. Boyce is the place to be! ”

Hudson Tedeschi — Biblical & Theological Studies
Ocean View, NJ

“ I was immediately surrounded by believers who wanted to know me well and cared about my life and my spiritual well being. ”

Dayna Lugowski — Music and Worship
Okotoks, Alberta, CAN

“ My experience at Boyce College has taught me how to live out the Gospel as a Christian teacher. ”

Nick Turner — Teacher Education Program
Louisville, KY

“ Even though the classes can be difficult, the professors are so helpful and push every student to be the very best they can be. I would not be the musician I am today if it weren’t for Boyce College. ”

Sophia Fryer — Music and Worship
Virginia Beach, VA

Louisville is our home.

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