Boyce College Dual Enrollment

Make sure your student is college-ready by earning college credit while in high school.

***Dual Enrollment Registration begins April 28th for Fall 2025 courses***

Why take dual enrollment courses?

Whether it’s called dual credit or dual enrollment, thousands of families strategically integrate college courses into their high school curriculum. They have discovered many practical reasons for earning high school and college credits at the same time:

  • Students who earn college credit while in high school will save thousands of dollars when compared with taking those same classes after enrolling full-time in college.
  • Students are able to “test-drive” college majors to better identify true areas of academic interest and ability. That saves time and money!
  • Families are better able to determine if their student is adequately prepared for college-level academic success.
  • Accumulating college credit enhances a high school student’s credentials when applying for weighted-GPA scholarships.

Why BOYCE COLLEGE dual enrollment?

Boyce College provides students with a distinctly Christian classroom experience. Each professor is a subject-matter expert. Faculty members bring academic credibility and biblical fidelity into every class session. Whether it’s English composition, college algebra, New Testament, or Intro to Psychology, parents can rest easy knowing their student is in a trustworthy environment. Most courses are completed in only eight-weeks.

View Upcoming Courses
View Dual Enrollment Requirements

What are your goals?


The broad academic offerings available online or on campus at Boyce College are designed to accomplish differing family goals.


Goal: Satisfy core curriculum college requirements

Boyce College options:

  • College Algebra
  • English Composition
  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Introduction to Public Speaking
  • American History
  • World History

Goal: Deepen your student’s understanding of the Bible and their Christian faith

Boyce College options:

  • New Testament
  • Old Testament
  • Worldview Analysis
  • Hermeneutics
  • Personal Evangelism

Goal: Explore potential college majors

Boyce College options:

  • Introduction to Business
  • Introduction to Biblical Counseling
  • Introduction to Communications

View Class Descriptions

Take your next step by speaking with a Dual Enrollment Advisor
or clicking one of the buttons below

Our Dual Enrollment Coordinator, Sandy Carwile, is ready to answer your questions and help you take the next step with Boyce College’s Dual Enrollment.

You can reach her by calling (502) 897-4695 or by completing the form below.
