Dorm Meeting

Dorm Meeting is the Boyce-only worship service that takes place every Monday at 9 p.m. in Alumni Chapel. Worship is led by student bands and faithful expositors come from around campus and the world to preach God's Word.

January 27 | Paul Akin
February 3 | Man 2 Man/Woman 2 Woman
February 10 | Zane Pratt
February 17 | Joe Harrod
February 24 | Jeremy Pierre
March 3 | Aaron Filipon
March 10 | TBD
March 17 | Spring Reading Days
March 24 | Sean McDowell
March 31 | RaShan Frost
April 7 | John Wilsey
April 14 | Thomas West
April 21 | Dustin Bruce
April 28 | Finals

Attendance Policy

Attendance is required for all Boyce dorm residents.

Students must scan in by 9:05pm or they are considered absent.

Students will be fined for absences:
$10 for the first absence,
$25 for the second,
$50 for the third, and
Another $50 for each absence beyond the third.

Three or more absences in one semester will result in the student being placed on probation.

If a student on probation has three or more absences for a second consecutive semester, that student may be placed on suspension.

Requests for an excused absence from a single Dorm Meeting should be made to the student’s RA.

Semester-long exemptions may be granted by Boyce Student Life. To apply for an exemption, fill out the Dorm Meeting/Chapel Exemption Form below. Exemptions are only valid for one semester. Students must reapply each semester.

Dorm Meeting/Chapel Exemption

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