January 27 | Paul Akin
February 3 | Man 2 Man/Woman 2 Woman
February 10 | Zane Pratt
February 17 | Joe Harrod
February 24 | Jeremy Pierre
March 3 | Aaron Filipon
March 10 | TBD
March 17 | Spring Reading Days
March 24 | Sean McDowell
March 31 | RaShan Frost
April 7 | John Wilsey
April 14 | Thomas West
April 21 | Dustin Bruce
April 28 | Finals
Dorm Meeting
Dorm Meeting is the Boyce-only worship service that takes place every Monday at 9 p.m. in Alumni Chapel. Worship is led by student bands and faithful expositors come from around campus and the world to preach God's Word.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is required for all Boyce dorm residents.
Students must scan in by 9:05pm or they are considered absent.
Students will be fined for absences:
$10 for the first absence,
$25 for the second,
$50 for the third, and
Another $50 for each absence beyond the third.
Three or more absences in one semester will result in the student being placed on probation.
If a student on probation has three or more absences for a second consecutive semester, that student may be placed on suspension.
Requests for an excused absence from a single Dorm Meeting should be made to the student’s RA.
Semester-long exemptions may be granted by Boyce Student Life. To apply for an exemption, fill out the Dorm Meeting/Chapel Exemption Form below. Exemptions are only valid for one semester. Students must reapply each semester.