Master of Divinity

Seminary Track

Communicate ancient truths to a changing world.

Earn a B.A. in Communication and a M.Div. in 5 years

The purpose of this program is to give the student comprehensive knowledge in biblical and theological studies, developing specific skills for effective ministry, while also providing a strong foundation in communication theory and application by exploring seminal issues in communication studies through a biblical worldview.

Course Information

Use the tabs below to explore the courses, outcomes, and further information on this program.

Prerequisite 2 Credits
CP100 Cooperative Program 2
General Studies 39 Credits
EN 101 English Composition I 3
EN 102 English Composition II 3
HS 161 World History 3
HS 171 American History 3
HU 121 Great Books I 3
HU 122 Great Books II 3
MA — Math Elective 3
PH 103 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PH 311 Introduction to Ethics 3
PH 321 Religion in the Public Square 3
SP 105 Introduction to Public Speaking 3
SP 206 Advanced Public Speaking 3
PS 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
Ministry Studies (Master Level Courses) 22 Credits
32960 Introduction to Missiology* 3
34300 Introduction to Biblical Counseling 3
32100 Personal Evangelism* 3
45260 Discipleship and Family Ministry 3
40301 Pastoral Ministry (or) 3
40080 Christian Leadership
44910 Applied Ministry: Theology 1
30000 Christian Preaching (or) 3
45400 Christian Teaching
30020 Preaching Practicum (or) 3
40020 The Worshiping Church
Biblical and Theological Studies (Master Level Courses) 51 Credits
20200 Old Testament Survey I* 3
20220 Old Testament Survey II* 3
22100 Hermeneutics* 3
22200 New Testament Survey I* 3
22220 New Testament Survey II* 3
25100 Church History I* 3
25120 Church History II* 3
26200 Southern Baptist Heritage and Mission 3
27060 Systematic Theology I* 3
27070 Systematic Theology II* 3
27080 Systematic Theology III* 3
28700 Christian Apologetics 3
20440 Hebrew Syntax & Exegesis* 3
22440 Greek Syntax & Exegesis* 3
20400 Elementary Hebrew 3
22400 Elementary Greek 3
40510 Personal Spiritual Disciplines 3
Communication Core 27 Credits
BA 241 Marketing 3
BA 251 Management and Organizational Behavior 3
CS 101 Introduction to Communication Theory 3
CS 150 Media, Culture, and Society 3
CS 201 Interpersonal Communication 3
CS 311 Media Law and Ethics 3
CS 476 Communication Theory and Research 3
CS 498 Communication Internship 3
GS 211 Intercultural Communication 3
Areas of Emphasis (students must choose one of the two areas of emphasis in the tab above) 15 Credits
General Electives 6 Credits
Total Degree Hours 199 Credits
Total Credits Earned in Class 157
Credits Earned by Examination 42
  • (Courses with an *) - Students complete this course to earn graduate-level credit and then pass the corresponding dual-credit exam to earn the undergraduate credit.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate a growing, Christlike character and a sense of God’s calling to ministry.
  • Students will be able to understand the Christian worldview and have a global vision for fulfilling the Great Commission.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate a knowledge of the Bible, interpret Scripture’s original meaning, and apply Scripture to contemporary situations.
  • Students will be able to integrate systematic and historical theology into a larger biblical framework.
  • Students will be able to display a biblical vision for ministry and lead with humble authority.
  • Students will be able to preach/ teach Scripture clearly and passionately so as to engage the mind and move the heart.
  • Students will be able to describe strategic steps for developing, organizing and executing each stage of a proper communication campaign.
  • Students will recognize and recall key issues from communication studies, interpersonal communication, organizational communication, critical reasoning, communication theory, and communication praxis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Graduates from Boyce's Communication Seminary Track program will be equipped to serve in a variety of career fields. The program is designed to strategically equip students for ministry in a changing world. Students will be equipped to serve as a pastor, church planter, missionary, or a bi-vocational pastor. In addition to ministry opportunities, students will also be prepared to serve the Lord in communications too. Examples of career outcomes that may be pursued with a communication studies degree include promotional writing/packaging, content marketing, social media marketing, public relations, employee relations, nonprofit donor relations, missions, church ministry, community development, and academia.

Dr. Jason Leverett serves as Program Coordinator and Associate Professor of Communication for our Communication program at Boyce. You can meet Dr. Leverett and the rest of our Boyce faculty here.

As you progress through the program and begin taking seminary coursework, you will be taught by our world-renown faculty at Southern Seminary. You can learn more about them here.

As a part of this Seminary Track program, you'll be able to receive an emphasis in Strategic Communication. This emphasis gives students the ability to study an area of interest more than the Communication core classes allow. As you prepare to graduate, having a deeper understanding will better equip you to serve in ministry or the communications career field.

As a prospective student, we have two next steps that we would love for you to consider taking. Follow the links below to take your next steps!

  • Visit Campus
  • Start your Application
  • Students who start their application must complete their application and submit the following additional documents:

  • Pastoral Recommendation
  • Spiritual Autobiography
  • Official High School Transcripts
  • Official ACT, SAT, or CLT test scores
  • Application Fee

  • You can view more information about our admissions requirements here.

    Students who are admitted into the Seminary Track program begin taking Seminary classes after their first year of study at Boyce College. After their first year, students officially begin working towards both the B.A. and M.Div. concurrently. After 5 years of full-time study, qualified students will graduate with both his or her B.A. and M.Div.

    Seminary track students who are subsequently admitted into the concurrent Master of Divinity program will earn two degrees in as little as five years. The two degrees are the:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication
  • Master of Divinity
  • The Seminary Track program is designed for students who desire to be equipped for careers in the church and in the marketplace. With the world around us changing, the Business Seminary Track program will prepare students to serve the church while also have the necessary skills to work in the marketplace.

    Students who feel called to ministry are often encouraged to complete their Master’s of Divinity following the completion of their undergraduate degree. The Seminary Track helps merge a student’s academic pursuits into one five-year program. With one five-year program, students will be able to save approximately 2-3 years of education compared to completing a four year degree and then a three year MDiv. In addition, The Seminary Track program can save students upwards of $15,000-20,000 by condensing their education into our five-year program.

    For students considering the Seminary Track, there are two paths to gain entrance into the program:

    Track 1 - Standard Entry (following one year of study at Boyce)
    Students desiring to pursue the Seminary Track after their first year at Boyce may pursue admittance into the program after completing a minimum of 24 credit hours. Students wishing to begin the Seminary Track program must maintain a 3.5 GPA throughout their first year of study (at least 24 hours) and then undergo a character evaluation before gaining entrance into the program. After their first year of study, the student may complete the application process with his or her academic advisor.

    Track 2 - Transfer Student Entry
    Students transferring to Boyce College who would like to pursue the Seminary Track as a transfer student may also do so. If a student is transferring to Boyce with less than 24 hours of completed coursework must reach that minimum threshold to be able to apply for admission into the program. In some cases, however, if a student has already completed the necessary hours at the undergraduate level before transferring to Boyce may apply for acceptance into the program when they transfer to Boyce.

    Students are able to begin the admissions process during their second semester at Boyce or once they are considered “in progress” for at least 24 credit hours. This often occurs during the month of December for the Spring semester or June for the Fall semester. Students will go through their academic adviser to receive the application information.

    The character evaluation is intended to assess the Christian maturity of candidates and to consider their potential for success in graduate level study since the rigorous nature of this program will demand a lot of the student.

    Students not admitted to the Business Seminary Track are encouraged to consider some of Boyce College’s other excellent undergraduate degree options. Students can complete a traditional Boyce College bachelor’s degree and then enroll in the Alumni MDiv, finishing both degrees in as little as 6 years.

    Students who choose not to enroll in the Seminary Track will be able to transfer all of his or her Boyce College credit into the Business Administration bachelors degree or many other programs at Boyce.

    Students who enter the seminary track pay the standard tuition rate for Boyce College during their first year of study. If students are admitted into the concurrent MDiv after completing their first year of study, the remainder of their tuition costs are paid through a program fee over the next four years ($53,039 $70,768 non-SBC [2024-25 school year]). A down payment of $1,000 is due after the admissions process to secure a student’s spot in the concurrent degrees. Then the balance of the program fee is paid monthly over the next 44 months. Students who do not complete both degrees during the 44 month period are subject to a continuation fee of $1,000 per year.

    Yes. Seminary Track students may apply for Boyce College scholarships and must meet basic eligibility requirements including full-time study at the Louisville campus. Seminary Track students can apply for the need-based General Scholarship or the merit-based Academic Excellence Scholarship. Students who are members or members in-progress at a Southern Baptist church can qualify for the SBC tuition rate, which reduces tuition significantly.

    Seminary Track students earn the credit hours toward their undergraduate degree in several ways. First, many classes will be taken at the undergraduate level. In addition, Seminary Track students will earn some of their hours through credit-by-examination tests at the conclusion of their semesters of study.

    Seminary Track students are considered undergraduates until they reach 120 credit hours, with full-time status is 12 credit hours per semester. Once they reach 120 credit hours, seminary track students are considered masters-level students, with full-time status changing to 9 credit hours per semester.

    Yes, Seminary Track students get the best of both worlds—the full undergraduate student life experience combined with the opportunity to achieve their academic goals more quickly. Seminary Track students live in undergraduate housing, take undergraduate courses throughout their degree, and can participate in Boyce College’s robust student life program.

    Degree Emphases

    Bachelor of Arts—Communication

    Strategic Communication 15 Credits
    CS 211 Writing for Publication 3
    CS 256 Fundamentals of Graphic Design 3
    CS 301 Strategic Communication 3
    CS 352 Crisis Management 3
    CS 456 Integrated Marketing Communication 3

    Digital Media 15 Credits
    CS 256 Fundamentals of Graphic Design 3
    CS 279 Visual Basics 3
    WL 321 Audio Basics 3
    WL 322 Audio & Visual Post-Production Basics 3
    BA 389 Production Management 3
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