
Boyce College and Southern Seminary Chapel occurs every Tuesday and Thursday from 10-11 a.m. in Alumni Chapel.

Chapel Schedule

Attendance Policy

All Boyce dorm residents are required to accrue 12 chapel credits each semester.

Chapel credits are awarded to students who scan into Chapel on Tuesdays and Thursdays by 10:05am.

Certain on-campus conferences, academic lecture series, and other events may be designated by Boyce Student Life as chapel credit opportunities. Students must scan into the event within five minutes of its scheduled start time to receive credit.

Students found to be leaving Chapel or an extra credit event early may have their chapel credit for that event revoked.

Falling short of the required 12 chapel credits in a semester will result in the following fines:
$10 for the first credit short,
$25 for the second credit short,
$50 for the third credit short, and
Another $50 for each credit short beyond three.

If a student falls three or more credits short in a semester, they will be placed on chapel probation for the following semester.

If a student on chapel probation falls three or more credits short for a second consecutive semester, that student may be placed on suspension.

Semester-long exemptions may be granted by Boyce Student Life. To apply for an exemption, fill out the Dorm Meeting/Chapel Exemption Form below. Exemptions are only valid for one semester. Students must reapply each semester.

Dorm Meeting/Chapel Exemption