Dean Burk on “The Albert Mohler Program”

Dean Burk was a guest on the Albert Mohler Program yesterday to discuss the recent TIME magazine cover story, “The State of the American Woman.”

Here’s a description of the show:

“Time Magazine has recently reported on the state of the American women. Though many modern women are more powerful and make more money than any generation previously, they are far less happy. As the family unit dissolves and the gift of motherhood is set aside for cultural achievement, women are losing a sense of sure footing and purpose in life. As Dr. Mohler notes today, women will find genuine happiness through the gospel, faithfulness to His Word, and love for the family of Christ.”

Boyce College Eschatology Forum with Schreiner, Ware, and Brand

Dr. Denny Burk moderates a panel discussion with Dr. Tom Schreiner, Dr. Chad Brand, and Dr. Bruce Ware about views on tribulation and millennialism. The panel met during Boyce College’s Wednesday chapel hour.

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Assessing the Piper-Wright Debate on Justification

Yesterday, Tom Schreiner, Mark Seifrid, Brian Vickers, and I had a conversation with the students of Boyce College about Paul’s doctrine of justification. In particular, we discussed Tom Wright’s new book Justification: God’s Plan & Paul’s Vision, which is largely a response to John Piper’s 2007 book The Future of Justification: A Response to N. T. Wright.

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The audio begins about halfway through my opening remarks. So I will print below my full opening statement so that you can read how I set up the discussion. (more…)