Job Search for New Students

If you’re a newly accepted student looking for a job in the Louisville area, your first stop should be our Human Resources department. The HR site will point you to current on-campus job openings along with a weekly Student Employment Bulletin (requires student log-in) which highlights off-campus employment opportunities and lists major employers in the Louisville area. You can contact HR at 502-897-4721 or for personal assistance.

Dorm Meeting Audio 2011-2012

All Dorm Meeting messages from 2011-2012 can be accessed via the Resources page. Dorm Meeting is held each Monday night from 9:30-10:30pm in Heritage Hall on the campus of Boyce College. Rich worship is combined with timely messages from local pastors, church leaders, and Southern Seminary and Boyce College professors for uplifting times of exhortation and encouragement.

Message from the Trenches, Feb 21

Come hear Pastor Ryan Fullerton from Immanuel Baptist Church share a brief “Message from the Trenches” in Ingram Hall at 7:30pm. The majority of the time will be devoted to Q&A about the true heartbeat and real-life challenges of church ministry.