Strachan to lead Southern Seminary’s Henry Institute

Owen Strachan will lead the Carl F.H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, President R. Albert Mohler Jr. announced last month.

“Owen Strachan is one of the finest young scholars and leaders serving the church today,” Mohler said. “He is also a veteran observer of the culture and a faithful theologian of the church. That is a powerful combination, and that explains why Owen Strachan is now the right leader for the Henry Institute. I look forward to seeing what Owen will do with this strategic platform and research center. Carl Henry would be very proud of this appointment.”

The Henry Institute, established in 1998, takes its name in honor of the life and work of Carl F. H. Henry, who is widely regarded as the most important 20th century evangelical theologian.

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DeWitt and Flame collaborate on Jesus or Nothing book, album

Christianity offers hope and adds intrinsic value to life, while atheism offers despair, according to Dan DeWitt in his new book, Jesus or Nothing. So Christians have a choice: either Jesus, or the belief that nothing matters. DeWitt explores these two premises in the book.

Popular hip-hop artist Flame created a new album, which released with the book earlier this year.

DeWitt, dean of Boyce College, the undergraduate school of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote Jesus or Nothing as an explanation of the rationality of the theistic worldview. DeWitt discusses two premises in his book: “The first proposition is if atheism is true, there’s a loss of objective meaning and intrinsic worth,” he said in a recent interview.

Read more at Southern News

GOTCHA! Sept 10-13

GOTCHA! is a campus wide game of tag where students must tag an assigned student with a small ball throughout the week.  The game begins Tuesday, Sept 10 at 6am.  Registered students must pick-up informational packet at Dorm Meeting on Mon, Sept 9.  The winner will be announced on Mon, Sept 23 at Dorm Meeting.

New Student Church Search

Thinking about churches in Louisville? Whether you’re moving across the country or across county lines, you’ll soon be looking for a new local church. We love the church, and we want to help.

  • Map of Boyce in Louisville – Get a feel for Boyce’s location within Louisville.
  • Local Church Fair – You’ll have the opportunity to meet church staff members and gather information from a number of like-minded local churches at our Local Church Fair early in the semester.
  • Church Recommendations – Louisville has plenty of solid churches — long-standing churches, revitalized churches, fresh church plants, multi-campus churches, and small community churches. Boyce College doesn’t maintain a list of “recommended churches,” but you won’t be lacking for recommendations. Our faculty, staff, and students love their churches and will share, invite, and recommend freely.
  • Required Church Internships – Some academic majors require church internships. Some of these churches will attend our Local Church Fair where you can familiarize yourself with your internship options (you can also seek out your department coordinator in advance).
  • Church Ministry Positions – If you’re looking for a full-time or part-time church ministry position, check out our Local Employment site to get started.

Job Search for New Students

If you’re an incoming student looking for a job in the Louisville area, your first stop should be our Human Resources department. The HR site will point you to current on-campus job openings along with a weekly Student Employment Bulletin (requires student log-in) which highlights off-campus employment opportunities and lists major employers in the Louisville area. You can contact HR at 502-897-4721 or for personal assistance.

Local Ministry Positions for New Students

If you’re a newly accepted student looking for a ministry position in the Louisville area, your first stop should be our Ministry Resources department. This site provides resources for students or alumni looking for ministry positions in Louisville and beyond. In addition, log in to Moodle to view ministry positions being advertised through Boyce College and Southern Seminary. Scroll to the bottom of the first page to download PDFs advertising “Full-Time Ministry Jobs” and “Part-Time Ministry Jobs” locally, regionally, and nationally.