Jordan Nelson – If I’ve Been Set Free, Now What?

Jordan Nelson, Resident Hall Director, delivers a message at Dorm Meeting on Galatians 5:1-15. Dorm Meeting is held each Monday night from 9:30-10:30pm in Heritage Hall on the campus of Boyce College.


Nick Floyd – Peter: A Man Changed Through Failure

Nick Floyd, Pastor at Cross Church in Fayetteville, delivers a message at Dorm Meeting on passages in Matthew and John describing the life of Peter. Dorm Meeting is held each Monday night from 9:30-10:30pm in Heritage Hall on the campus of Boyce College.

Matthew Spandler-Davison – The Cross and the Crown: Declare the Worth of Jesus

Matthew Spandler-Davison, Executive Director at 20Schemes, delivers a message at Dorm Meeting on Matthew 16:23-26. Dorm Meeting is held each Monday night from 9:30-10:30pm in Heritage Hall on the campus of Boyce College.

Jim Stitzinger – Dying to Self, Living for Christ

Jim Stitzinger, Associate Vice President for Advancement and Director of the Bevin Center for Missions Mobilization at Southern Seminary, delivers a message at Dorm Meeting on Matthew 16:24. Dorm Meeting is held each Monday night from 9:30-10:30pm in Heritage Hall on the campus of Boyce College.


Gunner Gundersen – Till the Bride Wears White: The Beauty of the Church

Gunner Gundersen, Director of Student Life at Boyce College, delivers a message at Dorm Meeting  on the beauty of the church in the book of Ephesians. Dorm Meeting is held each Monday night from 9:30-10:30pm in Heritage Hall on the campus of Boyce College.


‘The College at Southern’: Boyce launches new website, logo

Boyce-logo-horizontal-webBoyce College, the undergraduate school of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, launched a new website and logo to highlight its convictional leadership and distinctive spiritual atmosphere, June 9.

Founded in 1974 as Boyce Bible School, the program began offering bachelor’s degrees as James P. Boyce College of the Bible in 1998 under the leadership of R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Seminary. Later, the name of the school was changed to Boyce College. The college is named in honor of the first president of Southern Seminary.

Emphasizing the proximity and shared resources with Southern Seminary, the new logo will include the phrase “The College at Southern.” The rebranding comes just as the school prepares to move into the heart of Southern Seminary’s campus in August when at least 240 new students are expected to arrive for the fall semester.

“Boyce College stands on the gospel, and has since its founding,” said Boyce College dean Dan DeWitt. “Launching the new brand, website and logo is a celebration of and preparation for Boyce’s continued growth, while also honoring the institutional convictions that brought us here.”

The undergraduate school updated its logo with an Old English letter B and the colors gray and red as part of a major redesign effort that includes a fresh website and updated mascot logo. Gray connotes reliability, maturity and a solid tradition, while red signifies passion, courage and determination. This combination was chosen to reflect the foundation and vision of Boyce., the school’s website, was updated to improve accessibility and provide quicker navigation for prospective and current students. The homepage now features prominent links to apply for admission, visit the Boyce campus, attend a Preview Day and learn more about the school’s academic offerings.

“We wanted to refresh the brand and the website to better represent the values of theological conviction and academic rigor and accessibility that James P. Boyce championed in founding the seminary and that are now lived-out in the college that bears his name,” said Steve Watters, vice president of communications.Bulldog-with-type-web

The school’s Bulldog mascot also received a fresh redesign, corresponding to the logo colors of gray and red and improving on the mascot’s facial features. The mascot will be featured on the Boyce basketball court and athletic apparel.

The aesthetic remodeling complements the major renovation of Southern Seminary’s 88-year-old Mullins Complex, which will become the new home for Boyce College in fall 2014. Updated as part of $20 million in renovations during the first phase of the institution’s Master Plan, the complex will feature spacious quad dormitories, a state-of-the-art student lounge, and faculty offices.

by S. Craig Sanders

IMAGES: Boyce logo, Boyce Bulldog mascot

Boyce hires professor to lead new business management program

A cross-cultural business researcher and professor will lead the new business management program at Boyce College, the undergraduate school of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Wisconsin native Scott Moodie will assume duties as the assistant professor of business management at Boyce in July 2014. Moodie is currently completing his PhD in management science at Spain’s ESADE School of Business, consistently listed as one of the best business schools in the world.

Moodie will be responsible for Boyce’s new degree offering in business administration, which is currently pending approval from The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. The degree is designed to integrate business and missions, and will prepare students for three avenues: intercultural business, non-profit organization efforts and local church administration.

Read more at Southern News