Expository Preaching & Pastoral Leadership

Bachelor of Arts

Faithful to the Word

The purpose of this program is to prepare male students for pastoral ministry.

“ The Expository Preaching and Pastoral Leadership program provides a great foundation in theology, combined with learning about the tasks that will come with working in a church setting. ”

Joachim Schmarewski - Medarn, Germany

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Use the tabs below to explore the courses, outcomes, and further information on this program.

General Studies 36 Credits
CN 331 Marriage and the Family 3
EN 101 English Composition I 3
EN 102 English Composition II 3
HS 105 Ancient Near Eastern History 3
HU 121 Great Books I 3
HU 122 Great Books II 3
MA — Math Elective 3
PH 103 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PH 108 Worldview Analysis 3
PH 311 Introduction to Ethics 3
PH 321 Religion in the Public Square 3
PS 101 Introduction to Pyschology 3
Ministry Studies 6 Credits
MS 101 Introduction to Christian Missions 3
MS 105 Personal Evangelism 3
Biblical & Theological Studies 51 Credits
BL 101 Old Testament Survey I 3
BL 102 Old Testament Survey II 3
BL 111 Hermeneutics 3
BL 151 New Testament Survey I 3
BL 152 New Testament Survey II 3
HS 201 Church History I 3
HS 202 Church History II 3
HS 305 Baptist History 3
LN 231 Greek I 3
LN 232 Greek II 3
LN 321 Hebrew I 3
LN 322 Hebrew II 3
TH 130 Theological Foundations for Biblical Spirituality 3
TH 211 Christian Theology I 3
TH 212 Christian Theology II 3
BL — Restricted Electives:
Choose any two Bible courses at the 200-400 level.
Major Studies 33 Credits
CE 101 Introduction to Christian Education 3
CE 111 Introduction to Family Ministry 3
CE 238 Leadership Principles and Practices 3
CE 313 Christian Discipleship and Disciple Making 3
CN 101 Introduction to Biblical Counseling 3
PR 205 Preaching I 3
PR 206 Preaching II 3
PR 401 Advanced Expository Preaching 3
PW 315 Pastoral Ministry & Leadership 3
TH 331 World Religions 3
WL 181 Introduction to Worship for the Evangelical Church 3
General Electives 3 Credits
Total Degree Hours 129 Credits
Prerequisites: CP 100 Cooperative Program*
BC 101 Boyce College 101**
  • *Students needing this course should register for it during their first semester of study. All course work is completed online. There is no charge for this course.
  • **This course is required for all on-campus students and should be completed during their first on-campus semester. Successful completion of BC 101 is required for graduation from Boyce College. There is no charge for this course.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate a knowledge of the Bible, interpret Scripture’s original meaning, and apply Scripture to contemporary situations.
  • Students will be able to integrate systematic and historical theology into a larger biblical framework.
  • Students will be able to preach and/or teach Scripture clearly and passionately so as to engage the mind and move the heart.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate an advanced ability to prepare and deliver expository sermons.
  • Students will be able to describe and defend the biblical qualifications and practical responsibilities of week to week pastoral ministry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students who decide to pursue a degree in expository preaching and church leadership will be equipped and trained to serve the local church as a pastor who helps lead the church by preaching. In addition to preaching, this program also prepares graduates to faithfully serve the church they lead by pastoring well.

Dr. Jeffrey Hunter serves as our Church Ministry Program Coordinator.

You can meet Dr. Hunter and the rest of our faculty here.

As a prospective student, we have two next steps that we would love for you to consider taking. Follow the links below to take your next steps!

  • Visit Campus
  • Start your Application
  • Students who start their application must complete their application and submit the following additional documents:

  • Pastoral Recommendation
  • Spiritual Autobiography
  • Official High School Transcripts
  • Official ACT, SAT, or CLT test scores
  • Application Fee

  • You can view more information about our admissions requirements here.

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