Biblical & Theological Studies

Bachelor of Arts

Know the Word. Know God.

The church deserves the very best leaders.

This program is designed for students who want a thorough knowledge of the Bible (including the biblical languages), theology, and practical ministry training, as preparation for ministry and for graduate study.

“ The BTS program has given me the opportunity to study with premier scholars who care deeply for the Scriptures and for their students. ”

Ian Grigsby — Prattville, AL

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Use the tabs below to explore the courses, outcomes, and further information on this program.

General Studies 36 Credits
CN 331 Marriage and the Family 3
EN 101 English Composition I 3
EN 102 English Composition II 3
HS 105 Ancient Near Eastern History 3
HU 121 Great Books I 3
HU 122 Great Books II 3
MA -- Math Elective 3
PH 103 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PH 108 Worldview Analysis 3
PH 311 Introduction to Ethics 3
PH 321 Religion in the Public Square 3
PS 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
Ministry Studies 21 Credits
CN 101 Introduction to Biblical Counseling 3
MS 101 Introduction to Christian Missions 3
MS 105 Personal Evangelism 3
PR 205* Preaching I 3
PR 206** Preaching II 3
PW 315*** Pastoral Ministry and Leadership 3
Restricted Electives
Choose one: CE101, CE 111, MS 211, MS 221, WL 181, YM 101
Women enrolled in this program must make the following course substitutions:
***PW315--SP206 or CE238 or WS211 (online)
Biblical & Theological Studies 60 Credits
BL 101 Old Testament Survey I 3
BL 102 Old Testament Survey II 3
BL 111 Hermeneutics 3
BL 151 New Testament Survey I 3
BL 152 New Testament Survey II 3
BL 342 History of the Bible 3
HS 201 Church History I 3
HS 202 Church History II 3
HS 305 Baptist History 3
LN 231 Greek I 3
LN 232 Greek II 3
LN 321 Hebrew I 3
LN 322 Hebrew II 3
TH 211 Christian Theology I 3
TH 212 Christian Theology II 3
Restricted Electives:
• Must be Bible, theology, philosophy or church history courses, with a minimum of 6 hours in Bible.
• Bible courses must include at least one OT and one NT elective.
• All 15 hours must be 200-400 level courses.
General Electives 12 Credits
Total Degree Hours 129 Credits
Prerequisites: CP 100 Cooperative Program*
BC 101 Boyce College 101**
  • *Students needing this course should register for it during their first semester of study. All course work is completed online. There is no charge for this course.
  • **This course is required for all on-campus students and should be completed during their first on-campus semester. Successful completion of BC 101 is required for graduation from Boyce College. There is no charge for this course.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate a knowledge of the Bible, interpret Scripture’s original meaning, and apply Scripture to contemporary situations.
  • Students will be able to integrate systematic and historical theology into a larger biblical framework.
  • Students will be able to preach and/or teach Scripture clearly and passionately so as to engage the mind and move the heart.

Frequently Asked Questions

Graduates will be prepared for career opportunities throughout a variety of ministry contexts. Whether serving full-time or as a lay leader in church, this program will prepare you to effectively lead with a proper understanding of the Scriptures. Students who graduate from this program will also be equipped to serve in para-church settings.

As a Biblical and Theological Studies student, you will learn from a well-published and excellent faculty. Some of those professors include Dr. Denny Burk and Dr. Adam Howell.

You can meet all of our faculty here.

As a prospective student, we have two next steps that we would love for you to consider taking. Follow the links below to take your next steps!

  • Visit Campus
  • Start your Application
  • Students who start their application must complete their application and submit the following additional documents:

  • Pastoral Recommendation
  • Spiritual Autobiography
  • Official High School Transcripts
  • Official ACT, SAT, or CLT test scores
  • Application Fee

  • You can view more information about our admissions requirements here.

    Yes, our bachelors degree in biblical and theological studies can be done completely online. We offer courses in 8 or 16 week online options over the course of the four years necessary to complete the program. Students may also complete this program over four years on-campus in Louisville.

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