A one-week college experience for high school students
July 13 - 18, 2025
Experience college life
Be introduced to life on a Christian college campus. Living in dorms, studying on a beautiful campus, and enjoying college activities will prepare students to transition to full-time college life after high school.
Earn college course credit
At the Boyce Academy, high school students will be introduced to college-level work for which they may earn both high school and two hours of college credit.
Study with world-class scholars
The Boyce College faculty represent some of the most accomplished and respected scholars in Christian higher education. At the Boyce Academy, students will train under world-class scholars.
Receive a college scholarship
Students who successfully complete the Boyce Academy will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship upon full-time residential enrollment at Boyce College in the fall of their freshman year. Students can receive an additional scholarship for each year that they attend Boyce Academy.
PH 115 Principles of Christian Worldview (3 hours)
This course is designed to introduce students to basic principles of a Christian worldview including core biblical doctrines, critical skills for analyzing other worldviews, and apologetic strategies for personal evangelism.
The dates for the 2025 Boyce Summer Academy are July 13-18.
During the week, a typical day will look like the following:
8:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
Morning Class
12:00 – 1:00 P.M.
1:00 P.M.
Afternoon Class
3:30 P.M.
Study Hall
5:00 P.M.
Free Time on Campus
6:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
Student Activity
10:00 P.M.
Students will receive the full itinerary upon acceptance.
*Students who successfully complete Boyce Academy will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship upon full-time residential enrollment at Boyce College in the fall of their freshman year. Students can receive an additional scholarship for each year they attend Boyce Academy.
**Students may also want to bring additional spending money for evening activities.
The Boyce Academy application process will open in the spring of 2025. Boyce Academy is designed for high school students who are rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors and who have a minimum 3.0 high school GPA.
To apply for Boyce Academy, submit the following to the Boyce Admissions Office.
- Boyce Academy Application – Complete online here. (Select Boyce Academy as concentration)
- High School Transcript with qualifying 3.0 GPA
- 200-250 word essay (may be submitted while applying or through student portal after applying)
High school transcripts must be sent directly from your high school or homeschool organization and can be sent by mail or email to:
Boyce Admissions
2825 Lexington Road
Louisville, KY 40280
Email: boyceadmissions@sbts.edu
For questions about the Boyce Academy application, contact Boyce Admissions at boyceadmissions@sbts.edu or (502) 897-4201.
For questions about the Boyce Academy event, contact Meg Percy at mpercy@sbts.edu or (502) 897-4073.