Teacher Education Progress Report

Impact & Output Reporting Measures

Boyce College Education Preparation Program is committed to the education of quality teacher candidates who have the highest level of knowledge acquisition and skilled pedagogical performance which will operate from a biblically-based worldview. In order to provide annual evidence of program impact the following outcome measures have been identified. These are reported on our website, however due to the small number of program graduates each year, many data points remain available internally as the Boyce faculty continues to aggregate data for future publication in a manner that will protect the anonymity of its graduates.

CAEP Accountability Measures

The following documents have been formatted for screen reader accessibility. If you have trouble accessing information on these documents, please email boycetep@sbts.edufor further assistance.

Measure 1: Completer effectiveness and Impact on P-12 learning and development (Initial Licensure

Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (Initial Licensure Programs)

Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion (Initial and Advanced Licensure Programs)

Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions (Initial Licensure Programs)