Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

Bachelor of Science

Learn to engage the complex ideas shaping our world today

Take a robust mixture of philosophy, politics, and economics courses, diving deep in ideas spanning from antiquity to the present day.


Study world-shaping ideas through the lens of a Christian worldview. Explore vital questions of human identity, justice, law, and economics theory from a robust gospel-centered approach.


Graduates will be prepared for careers in law, governmental service, economics, business, non-profit ministries, or ministering more effectively in today's culture.

“ The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics degree offers a variety of Christ-centric courses important for shaping believers with biblical truth. The professors’ personal and specific care and encouragement to me has been one of the biggest reasons for my success. ”

Jeremy Garriga — Tyrone, GA

“ I am being trained to be a confessional Christian in every class at Boyce. I am confident that I will be well prepared to engage the secular culture from a Christian worldview. ”

Jeffrey Edgecombe — Culpeper, VA

Course Information

Use the tabs below to explore the courses, outcomes, and further information on this program.

General Studies 36 Credits
EN 101 English Composition I 3
EN 102 English Composition II 3
HS 161 World History 3
HS 171 American History 3
HU 421 Great Books I 3
HU 422 Great Books II 3
MA 111 College Algebra 3
PH 103 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PH 108 Worldview Analysis 3
PH 311 Introduction to Ethics 3
PH 321 Religion in the Public Square 3
PS 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
Biblical and Theological Studies 30 Credits
BL 101 Old Testament Survey I 3
BL 102 Old Testament Survey II 3
BL 111 Hermeneutics 3
BL 151 New Testament Survey I 3
BL 152 New Testament Survey II 3
HS 201 Church History I 3
HS 202 Church History II 3
HS 305 Baptist History 3
TH 211 Christian Theology I 3
TH 212 Christian Theology II 3
Ministry Studies 12 Credits
MS 101 Introduction to Christian Missions 3
MS 105 Personal Evangelism 3
SP 105 Introduction to Public Speaking 3
SP 206 Advanced Public Speaking 3
Men may substitute the following two courses for SP 105/106:
PR 205 Preaching I 3
PR 206 Preaching II 3
Major Studies 39 Credits
PH 232 Critical Reasoning 3
PH 331 History of Philosophy I 3
PH 332 History of Philosophy II 3
PH 441 Political Philosophy 3
CS 311 Media, Law, and Ethics 3
SS 211 American Government 3
PL 311 Political Economy 3
PL 471 Constitutional Law (or) 3
BA 371 Business Law
BA 101 Introduction to Business Administration 3
BA 211 Macroeconomics 3
BA 212 Microeconomics 3
BA 261 Statistics 3
Restricted Electives 3 Credits
PH, SS/PL, or BA — Choose any BA, CS, HU, or PH course 300-level and above 3
General Electives 12 Credits
Total Degree Hours 129 Credits
Prerequisites: CP 100 Cooperative Program*
BC 101 Boyce College 101**
  • *Students needing this course should register for it during their first semester of study. All course work is completed online. There is no charge for this course.
  • **This course is required for all on-campus students and should be completed during their first on-campus semester. Successful completion of BC 101 is required for graduation from Boyce College. There is no charge for this course.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to integrate systematic and historical theology into a larger biblical framework.
  • Students will be able to explain the philosophical foundations of political and economic systems of thought within a larger Christian worldview.
  • Students will be able to describe how the political process results in public policy.
  • Students will be able to explain fiscal and monetary policy along with economic theories.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students who graduate from our PPE program have the opportunity to pursue many avenues of future employment or study. The PPE degree is designed to equip students to serve in government and public service and within non-profit or Christian settings as well. The degree will also provide a wonderful foundation for students to pursue graduate studies. Many of our graduates consider pursuing law school, their master's in business administration, or a degree within philosophy or apologetics.

As a prospective student, we have two next steps that we would love for you to consider taking. Follow the links below to take your next steps!

  • Visit Campus
  • Start your Application
  • Students who start their application must complete their application and submit the following additional documents:

  • Pastoral Recommendation
  • Spiritual Autobiography
  • Official High School Transcripts
  • Official ACT, SAT, or CLT test scores
  • Application Fee

  • You can view more information about our admissions requirements here.

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