Scheduled Online Courses
Current and Upcoming
- BA241ww Marketing (Prof. Erin Austin)
- BL101ww Old Testament Survey I (Dr. Adam Howell)
- BL151ww New Testament Survey I (Dr. Daniel Stevens)
- CS211ww Writing for Publication (Dr. Emily Hughes)
- HS105ww Ancient Near Eastern History (Dr. Adam Howell)
- HS161ww World History (Dr. Forrest Strickland)
- HS201ww Church History I (Dr. Stephen Presley)
- HU121ww Great Books I (Dr. Tyler Flatt)
- MS101ww Introduction to Christian Missions (Dr. John Klaassen)
- PH321ww Religion in the Public Square (Prof. Jason Thacker)
- PW315ww Pastoral Ministry and Leadership (Dr. Brian Payne)
Spring 1
- BA221ww Financial Accounting (Dr. Brent Small)
- BA251ww Management & Organizational Behavior (Dr. David Bosch)
- BL102ww Old Testament Survey II (Dr. Adam Howell)
- BL152ww New Testament Survey II (Dr. Daniel Stevens)
- CL098ww Foundations for Academic Success (Mr. Dylan Matthews)
- CN101ww Introduction to Biblical Counseling (Dr. Matthew Haste)
- CS352ww Crisis Management (Dr. Emily Hughes)
- EN101ww English Composition I (Dr. Alisha Biler)
- EN102ww English Composition II (Dr. Alisha Biler)
- HS201ww Church History I (Dr. Stephen Presley)
- LN232ww Greek II (Dr. Daniel Stevens)
- LN322ww Hebrew II (Dr. Adam Howell)
- MA111ww College Algebra (Dr. Clint Armani)
- PS101ww Introduction to Psychology (Prof. Laura Milbourne)
- SC121ww Principles of Physical Science (Dr. Brandi Hyde)
- SC122ww Principles of Physical Science Lab (Dr. Brandi Hyde)
- SP105ww Introduction to Public Speaking (Prof. Todd Lynn)
- TH331ww World Religions (Dr. John Klaassen)
Spring 2
- BA310ww Social Ventures & Global Studies (Dr. David Bosch)
- BL101WW Old Testament Survey I (Prof. Jonathan Ahlgren)
- BL111ww Hermeneutics (Dr. Ben Hussung)
- BL151ww New Testament Survey I (Dr. Daniel Stevens)
- BL452ww Interpreting James (Prof. Brian Renshaw)
- CS150ww Media, Culture, and Society (Dr. Emily Hughes)
- HS202ww Church History II (Dr. John Wilsey)
- HS305ww Baptist History (Dr. Dustin Bruce)
- PH311ww Introduction to Ethics (Prof. Jason Thacker)
- PR206ww Preaching II (Dr. Brian Payne)
- SP206ww Advanced Public Speaking (Dr. Nick Clark)
- TH211ww Christian Theology I (Dr. Daniel Scheiderer)