Melissa Tucker

Professor of Teacher Education; Chair, Department of Education
B.S., Liberty University; M.Ed., Rank 1, Principal Certification, Eastern Kentucky University; Ed.D., Walden University
Tucker comes to Boyce College with 23 years of experience in the education field. She has taught in public school, been an administrator of a Christian school, served as an adjunct professor at Liberty University, and spent two years in Russia teaching students English using the Bible as the textbook. Since 1988, she has traveled to various countries to work with churches in developing children’s and women’s ministries. Tucker brings a passion for solid Christian education in schools. She is thrilled to be part of a growing educational program at Boyce that is solid in its foundation and training educators to work with children all over the world.
Ask A Professor
Why do you love teaching at Boyce College?
The students and the faculty I work alongside are why I love teaching at Boyce College. The students, who constantly strive to be faithful to the ministry the Lord has called them to, make me want to do my best. It is tremendously rewarding to share my passion for teaching with my students and watch them as they develop their ability to teach using a biblical worldview. Additionally, the personal relationships developed between the faculty and with the students at Boyce College—praying for each other, laughing with each other, and working together on academic projects—are something I have never seen or experienced at other institutions. What a blessing! Walking onto a campus where laughter, discussions, and prayer happen daily makes me a stronger employee, professor, and Christian.
What are some of your top students doing with their degree?
Graduates of the Teacher Education Program are teaching all over the world. Some work in the public-school sharing God’s love through a biblical worldview while others are in Christian and classical schools, offering academically challenging classroom experiences for every student. The TEP also has graduates serving the local church and on the mission field using their English as a Second Language skills and classroom pedagogical skills as a way to enter into countries like Kazakhstan and Russia to take the gospel to the nations.
What makes the Elementary Education degree at Boyce College distinct?
The Elementary Education degree from Boyce College is distinct because of the unique classroom experiences provided in the college classroom and in elementary, middle, and high school settings. The education courses offered at Boyce College not only develop the pedagogical skills needed for an effective classroom, but also teach practical ways to reach a diverse student population and work faithfully as a Christlike servant-leader in the classroom. The small classes at Boyce allow for personal attention to be given to every student, giving professors the opportunity to help students improve and set goals individually regarding what they desire to do when they complete their degree. Additionally, as members of the Boyce College Teacher Education Program, students will complete at least 200 hours of clinical experience in the public and private schools, 24 hours of professional development, and 50 hours of service. This allows the Teacher Education students to take all they are learning from Boyce College professors and educators in the field and put it to use in the classroom. The Boyce College Teacher Education Program has the particular opportunity to equip the next generation of educators who are totally committed to the Bible as the Word of God and who desire to be salt and light in schools in Louisville, KY and all over the world.