
Boyce College’s faculty are not only well-published and excellent within the classroom, but also on the frontlines of evangelical scholarship, cultural engagement, and local church leadership.

Dustin Bruce headshot

Dustin B. Bruce

Dean of Boyce College; Assistant Professor of Church History and Christian Theology

Erin Austin Profile Image

Erin Austin

Assistant Professor of Business and Marketing

Jon Austin headshot

Jon Austin

Assistant Professor of Law

Alisha Biler

Assistant Professor of English and Linguistics

David Bosch

Associate Dean for Academic Strategy; Professor of Business Administration

Denny Burk

Professor of Biblical Studies

Kha Do headshot

Kha Do

Assistant Professor of Music and Worship

Tyler Flatt headshot

Tyler Flatt

Associate Professor of Humanities

Barry Gibson headshot

Barry Gibson

Associate Professor of Teacher Education

Matthew Haste

Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality and Biblical Counseling

Adam Howell

Associate Professor of Old Testament Interpretation

Jeff Hunter

Dean of Students; Program Coordinator of Church Ministry

John Klaassen

Professor of Global Studies

Timothy Kleiser headshot

Timothy Kleiser

Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Literature

Jason Leverett headshot

Jason Leverett

Associate Professor of Communication

Brent Small Profile Photo

Brent Small

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Curtis Solomon headshot

Curtis Solomon

Assistant Professor of Biblical Counseling

Daniel Stevens

Assistant Professor of New Testament Interpretation

Jason Thacker headshot

Jason Thacker

Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Ethics

Melissa Tucker

Professor of Teacher Education